Over 26,000 Homes Ready to be Delivered by Community Housing Providers through the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF)

PowerHousing Australia Community Housing Provider (CHP) Members have applied for an astonishing 26,120 dwellings in the first round of funding for the Federal Government’s landmark Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF), clearly demonstrating the sectors capacity to collaborate with Government and deliver outcomes. Should they be successful, we will see thousands of new social and affordable homes developed across Australian cities, surrounds and over 30% in desperately in need regional areas.

PowerHousing CEO Michelle Gegenhuber said “We commend the Federal Government and the leadership of Minister Julie Collins and Housing Australia for the establishment of the HAFF. The HAFF is a vital initiative which is one step toward bridging the gap in social and affordable housing which is so desperately needed.”

“We have a significant opportunity to see more Australians in safe, secure and stable housing, at a time where affordability and supply are not meeting current need. Alarmingly, a staggering 82% of projects (21,418 dwellings) would not proceed if they are not funded in this first round of the HAFF.”

“In response, we are calling on the Government to double the investment in the HAFF and the National Housing Accord (NHA) enabling a secure, long term development pipeline. And for an immediate injection of further funds for HAFF projects in Round 1, to ensure that all quality housing outcomes can be delivered and are not lost at a time of critical supply shortages.”

“Our members have invested in projects and worked hard to provide submissions that demonstrate the capacity and capability to deliver over 26,000 homes. We know deferring these projects will the opportunity lost, funds invested lost, costs increase and a further time lag to achieving more secure homes for those who need it most.”

A doubling of both programs will also have broader effects on the economy through ensuing a long term construction pipeline of housing supply which will lead to more construction, employment opportunities and skills training programs.


For further detail contact:

Michelle Gegenhuber, Chief Executive Officer, PowerHousing Australia – 0447 069 812